Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Knowledge Transfer Programme with University Of Ruhuna

Nakiyadeniya Estate was organized knowledge transfer programme with Faculty of Agriculture of University of Ruhuna. The expected outcome of this activity is to give practical knowledge about agricultural and rubber manufacturing process to the final year and third year students of the Faculty of Agriculture of University of Ruhuna while getting theoretical knowledge to our staff members.Oil palm mill also gave its contribution to gain success in this programme.

It was an interactive programme and both parties were benefited.At the end of the session our staff officers got good comments from university students and academic staff.It was a great opportunity to strengthen the relationship with the university of  Ruhuna.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Quiz Competition for Grade 5 students

Education is absolutely beneficial for society on the whole.It is a life-long process to each person that need to be reinforced  throughout life.However,we need education system that may eradicate illiteracy and may provide the common man an access not only to basic education but also to higher and technical education. In keeping with our focus on education priority area of support,Talangaha Estate organized a quiz competition for grade 5 children.It was gained a huge success.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Heart Surgery for a little girl was sponsored by WPL

Watawala Plantations PLC is a company which  always believes  employees as its highest value.The objective of  carried out Health care programmes are  to give better healthy life for our employees and their families. As a result of that a heart surgery was done for a little girl who is a child of one of the associates in vellai oya estate.It was arranged by vellai oya management and Watawala Plantations financially contributed to do it successfully.