The project as the slogan indicates a glass of milk daily,to every child in the development centres,with the aim of preventing malnutrition amongst these children.The milk provided is purchased from the cattle farms that are located on our estates thus providing an additional inome benefit to the communities.
Watawala Plantations ensures to uphold the rights of the children living in our communities.The children in the seven estates benefited through this program during the past year.The programme,which initially began with the children in the Carolina,Kenilworth and Stathdon Estates' Child Development centres,was later introduced to the children on Lonach,vellai oya,Abbotsleigh estates and the children of the Binnaoya division from Wigton estate.
This same programme will be resumed this year.
In addition to that our company carried out the practical awareness programme on"Good Food Habits and Preparation of Low Cost,Nutritious Food" in Abbotsleigh Estate.
On the direction of the Management,the health officers of Abbotsleigh Estate conducted a demonstration on "Good Food Habits and at the Abbotsleigh Estate Child Development Center on the 22nd of December,2012.The officials of NCM Lanka organization also participated in the program.
The programme,which was conducted for the mothers,stressed on the importance of following a balanced diet,the importance of the home gardening,the negative impact of junk food,and many more areas related to food habits were discussed.
There was a scarecrow made out vegetables to emphasize on the importnce of eating healthy.
Money was given from the creche fund to purchase bottles and lunch boxes which were gifted to the children who attended the programme.
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